
I'm so glad you've dropped by. I've been hoping you would. If you are walking through a hard thing right now, I'd like to invite you to share my journey of learning who God is and how He does things. You will never see things the same way again!

Cristi Helin


I'm so glad you've dropped by. I've been hoping you would. If you are walking through a hard thing right now, I'd like to invite you to share my journey of learning who God is and how He does things. You will never see things the same way again!

Cristi Helin

Need Encouragement?

Cristi would like to come alongside you and help you know that you are not by yourself. Join the mailing list and receive encouragement, connect with Jesus and learn ways to get through what you are going through. You will also receive the announcement of her upcoming podcast, "Soaring", coming January 2023!
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Writer Cristi Helin

Hi, I'm Cristi. I'm married, have 4 beautiful daughters, and 7 fantastic grandchildren. Besides spending time with these wonderful humans, I write, blog, podcast and grow orchids (no, it's not an addiction). My story is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, joys and relief, and several "I never saw that coming" surprises. I've also had many opportunities to learn about God's faithfulness. He has a deep desire to teach us about Himself and open our experience of His love.

Through each of my experiences, impossible and scary looking situations, He has not once been somewhere else. He has always been with me. I want to share this great news of who He is and how He moves in our lives. Please join me on my journey!

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